Golden Goddess Temple - Online paid membership community

The Golden Healing Temple is an ethereal place that represents the Divine Feminine energy that is rising in all of us. This temple is a place where Goddess energy is powerful, harmonising the balance needed on the planet and within ourselves.

This is a private paid membership group on Facebook for souls seeking spiritual allies on their soul-awakening journey. This group is to share insights and build community and for you to access what I offer through the temple.

I facilitate energy healings and awakening conversations for those ready to deepen their Joy and Connection with the Web of Life. I support people to awaken from patterns of illusion, and guide the strengthening and alignment of the soul's heart self with the embodied self.

New Moon and Full Moon live events, regular recorded yoga classes and feminine vitality practices as well as guided meditations and transmissions all aligning with each week.

Connect with stability, accountability and community through this group. The more we are able to ground our energy the deeper and more expansive we can be.

Membership investment is $98/ month, 3 month minimum to experience a full cycle of offerings.