Awaken the DIVINE Moon-thly Women’s Circles

Un-busy yourself from the mundane and Awaken the DIVINE. Moon-thly women's circles to re-connect you with what is divine within. Held in person at Goddess Yoga studio, Adelaide Hills.

We all get distracted and busy with life, what life needs of us, what others demand of us, what we feel is expected if us to do life in the most amazing ways possible.

This is a moon-thly offering, an opportunity for you to strengthen your inner goddess awakening practices, to dance sacred movements that will clear your energy, revitalise and realign you.

Guided by Arkellah, founder of Goddess Yoga, Priestess of the Golden Age and Sacred Waters Keeper as well as self-guided time for you.

This time is to anchor into sacred practices and invitations for you to listen to the magic within and surrounding you, to feed and nourish your goddess self, readying for offerings back into life and what you love.

Each Moon-th gathering will be co-created by Arkellah, Akasha, the portal of the Priestesses of the Golden Age and other sisters who desire to create.

Gatherings will include sacred movement, seeding and visioning, guided meditations, Ceremonial Cacao (at times) and Sacred Blue Lotus (at times), oracle reading and exploring archetypes (learning about divine feminine archetypes, what we can see as a self-reflection and what we can see needs letting go and bringing in).

All women welcome who have sat with me in sacred space or as a referral from someone who has.

Investment $88 for the 2.5 hrs of facilitated beauty plus a nourishing home cooked plant based meal (includes tax) or cash at the door by donation. I will need to know if you're coming so please message me if you don't book via the link.

I am soulfully excited to welcome you to these gatherings.

Blessings and Namaste, Arkellah