Goddess Rising - Sacred Divine Feminine

Training and Retreat. Two weekends. 29 +30 April and 12+ 13+14 May, 2023. Held at Goddess Yoga Studio Adelaide Hills.

Awaken, connect and empower your inner Goddess!

Do you feel a rising need, or desire to deepen your experience of life in a way that feels connected to both ancient power and modern practices?

Are you looking to build your inner confidence, find greater vitality and connect with your body, mind and soul in a deep and meaningful way?

Goddess Yoga offers several pathways into your journey with your inner Divine Feminine, your Inner Goddess Self, ways to become the highest version of you.

2023 offering

Goddess Rising - Women’s empowerment training + retreat, all in person. Held over two weekends at the Bali-inspired Goddess Yoga Studio, nestled in the Adelaide Hills on a horse property.

Spiral one (weekend one) Personal growth - awaken, challenge, expand, be held. Spiral one is both deeply ceremonial and connecting/ unpacking workshop style experience covering Divine Feminine wisdom practices and ancient Priestess arts, shadow work, heart coherence, befriending the ancient goddesses and modern embodiment practices.

Spiral two (weekend two) Expanding our gifts to life, relationships and community. Spiral two is a retreat style weekend where we will journey with sacred practices and tools gathering, ceremonies for the elements and undertaking the Rite of the Womb initiation.

This is an incredible, in-person opportunity to spend two weekends on you, deeply connecting to your spiritual self, deeply and sacredly connecting to other women, carving out time to experience what’s yearning to unfold within you and bringing that to light for you, your relationships and your community.

Three spots have been taken, 5 spots available. Intake is now.

This work is heart and soul work. It’s not working off a workbook or being taught how to be like anyone else. It’s about skilful facilitation that invites your powerful Goddess-self to arise, to witness your incredible and likely untapped energy and vitality this brings, then to integrate this energy into your current self.

To be more aligned to:

  • Igniting your inner fire of clarity and passion

  • Being in the flow of self-love and deep care

  • Expressing yourself truthfully, with both grace and power

  • Defining and maintaining healthy, honouring boundaries

  • Transcending trauma with wisdom

  • Embracing new beginnings

  • Leading with heart integrity

  • Staying in your light

What if being like a Goddess has nothing to do with external appearances but more about finding ways to liberate our spirit, so we can shine through the mundane patterns of life and make magic in many moments?

Goddess Rising is THIS.

It’s letting go of the push and strive and must dos to allow space to receive what is already ours, what is already us. To truly receive our spiritual sacred self. It’s juicy, delicious and very empowering work and I’m soulfully excited to be offering this to you at this time.

I will be sharing with you wisdom I have gathered over many many years of working with ancient arts such as Priestess ways, Hearth Keeper initiations, Shamanic practices and grounding, connecting with ancestors and elders in spirit as allies and working alongside Goddess archetypes, energy healing and spiritual guidance coaching and of course the ancient yogic traditions, to discover more parts of the divine feminine seeking to be brought back into modern life.

Will you choose this for you, for your relationships and community and for the planet? This work awakens us to a deeper connection with all beings and seeing and feeling how sacred this is. This is a natural state of being that so many of us have forgotten.

Is it time for you to remember who you are in a powerful way? I’m ready. And I hope you are too.

Investment (which covers all meals, the experiential weekends themselves, a bountiful gift bag and a one-on-one session with me):

  • Enrol before 1 April, your investment will be $2,200.

  • Payment plans are more than available. You just have to ask!

If this is feeling like a yes, let’s talk, I’d love to work with you.

Love Arkellah


Your gentle persistent exploring and questioning helps me find clarity, where I was previously hiding. Your skills are like tools that help me see what I’m doing that against myself and in the moments we are talking I can see what i’m doing that’s hurtful to myself. You help me see and learn how to deeply care for myself in ways I didn’t know how. (Feb 2023 -requested to remain anonymous)