Spiritual Guidance and Energy Healing with Arkellah

I am a modern-day medicine woman, meaning I dance between ancient and contemporary healing techniques, honouring the old while opening to the new. As a qualified senior yoga teacher, energy healer and spiritual guidance coach, I call upon the presence of ancient God and Goddess archetypes, Spirit Guides and Nature Spirits to help people travel to inner worlds. Here they can explore how different emotions and states of being can be observed, altered and then embodied.

I am completely passionate and committed to leading change with my heart and focus my healing guidance on unlocking patterns that hold people back from being their highest versions of themselves. I nurture and honour people while I stand in the centre of energetic transformation processes, being an anchor for others to explore areas of their inner world that they haven’t felt they could by themselves.

I offer non-conventional views on perspectives, supporting people to make shifts in their awareness, both of themselves and the world outside of them. I show people a way to reconnect with their heart’s wisdom while partnering up with the mind as an ally instead of a foe.

In healings, I enter a state of flow and trance consciousness, where is where we can see energy and know that all things are divinely connected by this lifeforce energy, what in yoga we call Prana. This state is known to be accessed by traditional cultural healers and Shamans as well as some of the most elite armed forces and entrepreneurs, musicians, artists and thought leaders. In flow state all possibilities are available through becoming aware that we are connected to everything, we rise to be the highest version of ourselves. This inspired state acts like a beacon of light, guiding us with strong intuition and power, making the ‘difficult shifts’ in our spiritual and personal development worth it and easy.

My work reaches across Australia and Bali, and online globally. You can book for an in person session of Spiritual Guidance and Energy Work or online.

How my work has impacted people

I support people, particularly women, to re-claim their sacred, divine selves and live life through a inspired state of being.

Story of impact:

"I'm not typically moved to tears the moment I meet someone for the first time. I was when I met Arkellah. She felt breathtakingly familiar to me, as if I'd known her forever and we were being reunited after what also felt like forever. Within an instant, I felt deeply known, generously felt and profoundly seen. Over the time I've been working with her I've come to realize that the sense of familiarity I felt on meeting her, emanates from within her.

My experience of receiving divine feminine healing sessions from this extraordinary woman, spiritual coach and intuitive healer is that because she knows herself incredibly well, she also knows and sees you with a clarity that is lovingly gentle yet, simultaneously, mighty fierce. Arkellah's laser-like capacity to hone in and shine concentrated "light" on whatever you need to see, reveal or heal within yourself is, quite truly, second to none.

She offers compassion in helping you to recognize your humanity and inspires courage in calling your soul forth.  She asks exceptional questions, identifies blocks and limiting beliefs with ease, offers skilful and wise guidance and masterfully navigates "the mind" to make it safe to drop into your heart. Arkellah illuminates with stunning precision, holds space with the expansiveness of the ocean and heals with a power that can only be described as truly Divine.

Mia Handshin, Director, LeadersHP


Story of impact:

‘True self love transpires when you can take a hard look at yourself and learn to love your light and dark aspects. Our duality creates sacred balance within. Integrate your shadow for transformative illumination. Arkellah has taught me this and more.

Sally McEvoy, Trauma Response Specialist

What are energy healings?

Energy healings are often called Reiki, even when several healing modalities are applied. Reiki is an alternative therapy offered to those who are seeking a holistic healing session, unveiling the layers of body, mind, emotion, spirit and beyond. The word ‘Reiki’ means ‘mysterious atmosphere, miraculous sign’. It comes from the Japanese words “rei” (universal) and “ki” (life energy).

Reiki is a type of energy healing that targets the energy fields around the body. The Reiki energy itself is known to have an intelligence of its own, flowing where it is needed in the client and creating the healing conditions necessary for the individuals needs.

Energy healings are a powerful tool to tap into the energy layers of the body to ignite the healing process needed/ desired by the client. My Divine Feminine - energy healing treatments are gentle yet transformational treatments for people wanting to clear blocks, shift emotional pain, and balance their ‘bodies’ or layers. I work closely with the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical bodies of a client. My healings are often referred to as Shamanic. I do work with several different energies, including Shamanic, past life/ soul recalls, collecting soul fragments stuck in memories of persecution, trauma and more. I call in your spirit guides and mine, to offer the most supportive experience possible. I use dowsing rods, chakra clearing and balancing crystals, meditation, mantra and trance-like states to access and facilitate your healing. In essence, I provide a space and channel to support people to connect more closely with themselves - shifting out of ways that no longer serve and into more healthy patterns of being through facilitating energy transference from the 'universe', through me to you.

I have seen big shifts from all I have treated and I truly love experiencing the evolutions. For some it's a powerful time for realisations, for others it's like a gentle energy massage. Everyone experiences the treatments differently. The treatments are spiritually guided and fully clothed (given on a dedicated massage table), supported by blankets, pillows, crystals and essential oils.

Divine Feminine Energy Healings are a combination of Reiki, Seichem and Karuna healings, as well as my personal intuitive ‘medicine’ that comes through my guides to you. Sessions are held at my Inspire Yoga Studio, which is on an equine property, surrounded by nature, in the Adelaide Hills (Flaxley). The studio is dedicated to healing for the highest good and is only used for these purposes.

To arrange an appointment time scroll down to my bookings page below and find Energy Healings and the dates and times available or contact Arkellah on: Arkellah.inspireyoga@gmail.com . Investment is $120 hr/ $160/1.5hr.